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Change Log


Added ✨

  • 🛠️ Durability Overhaul: A brand new durability system has been implemented to better match vanilla gameplay (Note: This is incompatible with the Unbreaking enchantment).
  • 🥫 Iron Cans: Introducing Iron Cans, smaller containers that hold 100mB of fluid - perfect for storing those leftover liquids!

Fixed 🔧

  • 🛠️ Say goodbye to malfunctioning tools! All tools should now function as intended.
  • 🏗️ Smeltery and Melter components can finally be placed on bamboo blocks.
  • 🛢️ Copper cans within the Smeltery are now operating correctly.
  • 💎 Diamond and Emerald smelting is no longer a problem.
  • 🔧 Ardite tools now break stone variants properly.

Changed ⚙

  • 🔍 The digger component has increased compatibility.
  • 🛒 The Wandering Tinker has undergone a balancing revamp. They now require specific types of nuggets for certain trades, based on a fantastic community suggestion! Additionally, the Wandering Tinker has expanded their trade offerings.
  • 🔥 Ardite tools can now smelt terracotta into glazed terracotta, offering more crafting options.
  • 🧱 Breaking Clay blocks with Ardite tools will now yield bricks instead of terracotta.
  • 📖 Page 6 of the Puny Smelting book has been updated to reflect the introduction of Iron Cans.


Added ✨

  • 🛒 Wandering Tinker: A new merchant similar to the wandering trader, but specializing in selling Tinkers' Construct items.

Fixed 🔧

  • 🔥 Smeltery Functionality: Resolved issues preventing Iron, Gold, Slimesteel, and Slimeballs from being smelted. Additionally, the flickering full-tank bug has been fixed.
  • 💎 Deepslate Ores: Added compatibility for Deepslate Diamond and Emerald in the smeltery.

Changed ⚙

  • 🌋 Nether Ores: Adjusted spawn rates for Nether Ores.
  • 🛠️ Tool Components: The "digger" component in tools has been revamped to offer a more comprehensive list of functionalities.
  • ⚖️ Casting Balance: Doubled the output of Diamonds and Emeralds from the casting table for improved balance.
  • ⛏️ Ore Mining: Reduced breaking time for Ardite and Cobalt Ores.
  • 📜 Tool Information: Streamlined tool information by reducing the amount of text displayed.

1.5.1 🌟


  • New Materials and Crafting 🌿🔨
    • Plant Fiber: Obtainable by breaking tall grass, used to craft string. 🌱✂️
    • String from Wool: A new recipe allows crafting string from wool. 🧶🧵


  • Improved Clarity 🔍
    • Descriptions for materials and tools have been expanded for better understanding. 🛠️📖
  • Increased Capacity 📈🔋
    • Melter capacity increased to hold 10 buckets of liquid. 🪣🔥
    • Smeltery capacity increased to hold 40 buckets of liquid. 🏗️🌊
    • Seared Tank capacity increased to hold 20 buckets of liquid. 🚰🏺
  • Liquid Input/Output Rebalancing ⚖️💧
    • Ingots now smelt into 100 millibuckets (mB) of molten metal. 🏅🪔
    • Raw materials now smelt into 200 mB of molten metal. ⛏️⚗️
  • Lore and Text Updates 📜📝
    • Added lore descriptions to Copper Cans and Buckets. 🪙📦
    • Text in the materials book has been edited for clarity. 📚🖋️


  • Lore & Text: typos and grammatical errors in descriptions. ✔️🔤
  • Resolved issues with loot tables. 🗃️🔍
  • Repair Kits now correctly repair all intended materials. 🛠️🩹
  • Mobs no longer drop unintended string items. 🧟🧶🚫
  • Fixed a bug where gold and emerald were swapped in the Smeltery (likely a reference to a prior version). 🏅💎🔄