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  • < > - Required argument.
    • This means you must provide an argument for the command to work.
  • [ ] - Optional argument.
    • This means you can provide an argument for the command to work, but it is not required.


Homes are player-specific saved teleport destinations. Players may have one or more saved locations, depending on server and (if installed) FTB Ranks configuration.

CommandOp RequiredDescription
/home [home]NTakes you to either your default home or the specified home.
/sethome <name>NAdds a new home to your homes list, subject to your player homes limit.
/delhome [home]NDeletes your default home or the specified home.
/listhomesNLists all of your homes.



CommandOp RequiredDescription
/tpa <player>NSends a teleport request to the specified player. If they accept the request, you will be teleported to the player.
/tpahere <player>NSends a teleport request to the specified player to teleport to you. If they accept the request, they will be teleported to you.
/tpaccept <id>NAccepts a teleport request (rarely needed as you can just click the Accept link in the message you receive).
/tpdeny <id>NDenies a teleport request (rarely needed as you can just click the Deny link in the message you receive).


CommandOp RequiredDescription
/backNTeleports you to the last location where you used any command that teleports you (including vanilla /tp command). Note that Essentials maintains a teleport history "stack", so this can be used multiple times to go to progressively older teleport points.
/spawnNTeleports you to the server spawn.
/rtpNTakes you to a random location in the world with a configured bounds.
/teleport_last <player>YTeleports you to the last known location of the specified player (even if they're currently offline).
/tpx <dimension>YTeleports you to another dimension at your current location.
/jumpYTeleports you to the block you're looking at (more precisely, to the top of the block column you're looking at).


Warps are server-wide saved teleport destinations, common to all players.

CommandOp RequiredDescription
/warpNTeleports you to the warp specified. (Names will be suggested)
/setwarp <name>YCreates a new warp at your current location.
/delwarp <warp>YDeletes the warp specified.
/listwarpsNLists all of the warps on the server.

Cheats / Admin

All of these commands require OP to function

/heal [player]Fully heals you or the specified player, as well as replenishing food, and extinguishing any flames.
/feed [player]Fully feeds you or the specified player.
/extinguish [player]Puts your or the specified player out if they're on fire.
/fly [player]Toggles creative flight for you or the specified player.
/speed [boost_percent] [player]When no boost_percent is provided, this command will display your (or the specified player's) movement speed modifier. With the boost_percent provided, your (or the specified player's) movement speed will be increased by the boost_percent (this uses a standard vanilla attribute modifier). Min: -100, Max: 2000
/god [player]Enables God mode (Invulnerability) for you or the specified player.
/invsee <player>Opens the specified players inventory, allowing you to view and modify the inventory's contents.
/nicknamefor <player> <nickname>Forces a nickname on a specific player.
/mute <player> [until]Mutes a player for a specified amount of time (until) or forever. The until is a duration time; omitting it mutes the player indefinitely. See Duration for more information. Example: /mute Slowpoke101 2h mutes the player Slowpoke101 for two hours.
/unmute <player>Unmutes the specified player.

Offline Teleport

[New in Essentials 1.20.1+] Teleports a player to a given location when they're offline. If you wish to teleport a player to a different dimension too, use the standard vanilla execute in method. E.g. /execute in minecraft:the_nether run tp_offline name someplayer 0 70 0 teleports the player to (0, 70, 0) in the Nether. All /tp_offline commands require OP permissions to use.

/tp_offline name <player> <pos>Teleport player using player name.
/tp_offline id <player_id> <pos>Teleport player using player UUID.


Kits are a relatively new feature to Essentials and have more in-depth documentation on the Kits page. All /kit commands require OP permissions to use.

/kit listLists all of the kits available on the server.
/kit show <name>Shows you the contents of the specified kit.
/kit give <player> <name>Gives the specified player the specified kit.


/kit delete <name>Deletes the specified kit.
/kit create_from_player_inv <name> [cooldown]Creates a kit from the current player's inventory contents, with an optional cooldown duration.
/kit create_from_player_hotbar <name> [cooldown]Creates a kit from the current players hotbar contents, with an optional cooldown duration.
/kit create_from_block_inv <name> [cooldown]Creates a kit from the inventory contents of the block you're looking at, with an optional cooldown duration.

Helper commands

/kit cooldown <name> <cooldown>Modifies the cooldown of the kit specified.
/kit reset_cooldown <name> <player/id>Resets the cooldown of the kit specified. The player can be identified by either their UUID or their in-game name.
/kit set_autogrant <name> <true/false>Sets the autogrant status of the kit specified.
/kit put_in_block_inv <name>Puts the kit specified into the block you're looking at's inventory.


CommandOp RequiredDescription
/kickmeNKicks you from the server
/leaderboard [leaderboard]NShows the current data for a specific leaderboard in the game (The command auto completes the leaderboard name)
/nickname [nickname]NAllows you to modify your in-game name
/hatNForces the item held in your main hand onto your head, and your current head item into your main hand.
/near [radius]YShows the distance of other players around you
/near <player> [radius]YShows the distance of a specific player from you


CommandOp RequiredDescription
/trashcanNOpens a virtual inventory that will void any items put into it.
/enderchestNOpens your enderchest inventory.
/enderchest <player>YOpens another player's enderchest inventory. OP is required if the specified player is not you.
/anvilYOpens the Anvil's GUI.
/smithingYOpens the Smithing Table's GUI.
/craftingYOpens the Crafting Table's GUI.
/stonecutterYOpens the Stonecutter's GUI.


CommandOp RequiredDescription
/recordingNMarks your player in the Tab screen as recording and adds a red icon to your name in chat.
/streamingNMarks your player in the Tab screen as streaming and adds a purple icon to your name in chat.