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All FTB Ranks commands start with /ftbranks. The following commands are defined:

CommandOp RequiredDescription
/ftbranks reloadYReloads the ranks.snbt and players.snbt files. Check your server log for errors!
/ftbranks refresh_readmeYRegenerates the serverconfig/ftbranks/README.txt file. This file lists all known command nodes, determined from the commands which have been registered on this server. You should run this command after adding/removing any mods to/from your instance.
/ftbranks list_all_ranksYLists all the ranks currently defined in ranks.snbt. Those ranks listed in cyan have no condition attached, and must be explicitly added to a player via /ftbranks add ..
/ftbranks create <name> <power>YCreates a rank named <name> with the given <power> level. The new rank will have no condition attached, or other custom nodes added to it.
/ftbranks delete <rank>YDeletes the rank named <name>. Take care: this operation can't be undone!
/ftbranks add <players> <rank>YAdds the given <players> to the given <rank>. Entity selectors can be used to add multiple players.
/ftbranks remove <players> <rank>YRemoves the given <players> from the given <rank>. Entity selectors can be used to remove multiple players.
/ftbranks list_ranks_of <player>YList all the ranks that the given <player> currently has.
/ftbranks list_players_with <rank>YLists all the players who currently have the given <rank>.
/ftbranks node <add|remove|list> <rank> <node> <value>YAdds or removes the given node to/from the given <rank>.
/ftbranks condition <rank> <value>YSets the condition for the given ranks. [Simple conditions](Simple just need a condition name here, but [advanced conditions](Advanced require a code block. A condition can be removed by specifying the empty string. See below for examples.
/ftbranks show_rank <rank>YDumps the configuration information for the given <rank>

Adding conditions

Example command to set a simple condition on a rank:

/ftbranks condition "Near Spawn" spawn

Example command to set an advanced condition on a rank (player has walked at least 500000 cm and been playing for at least 3 weeks):

/ftbranks condition Veteran { type: "and", conditions: [ { type: "stat", stat: "minecraft:walk_one_cm", value: 5000, value_check: ">=" }, { type: "playtime", time: 3, time_unit: "weeks" } ] }

Example command to clear a condition:

/ftbranks condition VIP ""