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Find App Logs

You should only need to find the app logs if something has gone wrong. This guide walks you through finding the app logs.

Finding the logs is simple, you will first need the app open. For best results, run the app logs right after you've experienced an issue.

Locating the logs

  1. Have the app open
  2. Navigate to the settings of the app (Located in the bottom left)
  3. Select App Info on the left side
  4. Then select the blue button titled Upload App Logs
    • This will upload the app logs and place a link to them in your clipboard.
  5. Paste this code to the member of our team supporting you with your issue.

Done correctly, you should be on a page that looks a bit like this one.

FTB App's settings screen showing the upload logs button


Nothing happened

In some rare cases this might not work. If this happens for you, we recommend using the debug tool instead. You can find the guide on how to use this tool here.