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Ticking Entities

Sometimes Minecraft will run into crashes caused by ticking entities or ticking block entities. This is a common issue with modded Minecraft and can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Thankfully it's usually quite easy to fix by following the steps below.

Enabling the remove erroring entities option


The options to remove erroring entities and tile entities are missing in some versions.

If you are unable to find these options as detailed in the steps below, we recommend you restore a backup of your world.

Packs running NeoForge 1.20.4 and newer

  • Stop your game or server if they are running
  • Navigate to where the modpack/server files are located
  • If you are using the FTB App you can right-click on the modpack and select Open Folder > Instance Folder
  • Open the config
  • Open the neoforge-server.toml file with a text editor such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code
  • If you are having issues with ticking entities do the following:
  • Find the line removeErroringEntities = false and change it to removeErroringEntities = true
  • For ticking tile entities do the following:
  • Find the line removeErroringBlockEntities = false and change it to removeErroringBlockEntities = true

If changing the settings above fixed your issue, we HIGHLY recommend you change those settings back to false once you have loaded your world successfully. This is because enabling these settings can cause the loss of items and blocks in your world.